I am one of those people who like to watch something when I go to sleep, I can sleep with it in the background, in fact, I prefer too. Although sometimes just sometimes I end up watching the whole damn movie instead of sleeping. I also seem to have certain movies for this occasion, I don’t put just any old movie in, I have certain sleepy time movies and one of these movies is Brainscan. This is an older movie it came out in 1994 and I must have seen it in 95 on VHS, it’s a funny story because my friend Richie was sleeping over and my mom rented it for us. What’s unusual about this is how much this movie was made for us, did my mom know that or was it a coincidence? Either way, its cool how it ended up, let me explain. Even back then I and Richie were video game kids and at the time I believe the system I owned was sega genesis. So why is this movie perfect for us? Here is the IMDB synopsis.
A teenager is part of an interactive video game where he kills innocent victims. Later, the murders become real.
Who doesn’t like horror movies? Who doesn’t like video games? Well, many people but for me and Richie LOVE video games so like I said it was perfect for us and even more so because as we got older we got more into the technology we got into computers and online video games. While I may have had a sega genesis at the time the character in the movie was playing games on a PC hooked up to the internet? Something we got into years later. See how many ways this movie fit in for us? Oh, and the main character was about our age and the similarities in his life I saw in mine both at the time and as the time when on. The characters (the 2 main’s) also ready this magazine called Fangoria, which I forgot was in the movie and years later when I was on my monster and horror kick this was a magazine I also would read. This movie is a really under-known underrated and underappreciated movie. This movie is also surprisingly not too dated, it still holds up it’s still nostalgic and I still love to watch it both while falling asleep and just in general. I was watching it last night as I fell asleep which is what sparked me writing this blog because I got all those “good” feelings while watching it despite the fact that its a horror and has a lot of murder. So what’s the point because i myself and starting to forget, well there are a few points, 1 of them is that Brainscan is a great movie that deserves you watching it, another point is that the movie was almost like watching my future self playing online games on a giant sound system a room full of all kinds of technology and lastly the point is that I like to watch certain movies when I fall to sleep and I think that I will write my next few blogs talking about them, yes that is what I will do, saves me the time of trying to come up with a topic ;).
I'm not a major fan of horror movies, for the most part, and I'd never even heard of this movie. It doesn't sound like a true horror movie, though, so I might check it out. 🙂
Ya know, its probably more of a murder mystery then a horror. Either way i know how you feel about video games and what not, i do think you would like this movie.